Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm officially cool

Well, I've spent countless hours perusing through other bloggins (bloggers, bloggies--whatever you call them) this week--Sad. I know. I'm the weird kind of person who is easily swept into the latest "fad." So, I am now officially a blogger. And, oddly, I think that this is cool. I really have nothing to talk about so I don't know that this will be a lasting blog, but we'll see. I usually swing fully into a project for a few days, and then give it up. So hopefully you won't become too addicted to my words of wisdom.

A little about myself:
1.) I'm a teacher at a middle school in a "sorta city, sorta small-town, sorta suburban, sorta urban area" in none other than the good ole' natural state.

2.) I'm getting married in March (maybe, I'm not sure who my fiance is anymore. I think he's a tall, skinny guy, but I'm not sure since I haven't seen him in over a week)
EDIT: my fiance request that I correct his description to say "tall, handsome,"

3.) I'm a people pleaser. I always try to make sure everybody is happy with me (except for family who considers me to be a "mean, spoiled "have to have my way" person). I am trying to lose this people pleaser characteristic. One day I would like to tell people how it is.

4. ) I'm a worrier. What is worse is that I'm a non-sensical (is that a word?) worrier. I worry about everything from my dad dying to my brother (who has never really been in trouble) committing some horrible crime.

Random information-I'm watching city confidential and I just saw a prison with purple walls. If I ever do go to prison--which I never intend to--but if I do, I think I would like to go to the purple wall prison.

5.) I'm a perfectionist or a "bettiest." A bettiest is my made up word meaning that I want to be better than everybody else doing what I'm doing. I would be happier getting a 60% if it was the highest grade in the class than getting a 100% if somebody else made a 101%.


Jermonte said...

Hey, Teachnthings, nice blog. You sound like a very interesting person. I think I am going to read your blog everyday.

Keisha said...

I had no idea you were so funny!!!