Sunday, September 9, 2007

Mindless rambles and other thoughts

I'm alive....barely. I've survived three excruciatingly long weeks teaching sixth-graders. I really don't have much to talk about. Actually, I have many unbelievable stories to tell about my kids, but I'm paranoid that one of my...
[I'm very annoyed right now because I had a beautiful post almost completed and all of the sudden...bang...half of it disappeared, and now I have to type it again. If you are disappointed in my blog, blame the technology...back to the story]

....I'm paranoid that one of students will stumble upon this anonymous blog and immediately know that he is "John Doe," and things will get very ugly. He'll go home either crying to his mom or bragging to his friends that he's famous, and either way word will leak and I'll find myself fired and working as a secretary for a busy office. Hmmmm....maybe I should tell stories and throw out not-so-subtle hints about my blog. It always has been a dream for me to be a secretary in a big, busy office. Really, it is my dream job. See below for some stats on my first three weeks of teaching.

Days it took me to make a kid cry-2
Times I've had to kick a kid out out of my classroom-3
Number of kids I've had to kick out of my classroom-2
Strikes I've given out for misbehavior-20+

These stats are scary when you remember that we have only been in school for 2o days. Overall, I have a good group of kids. If you are thinking that my stats don't fit my conclusion...let me have my optimistic thoughts. That might be all I have to carry me through the year.


Keisha said...

yea.... a post!

Brian and Michelle said...

i think i'm officially scared of you now!!! haha!

Keisha said...

I'm waiting....

Keisha said...

still waiting... I do believe you've got some blog worthy things going on right now.